National & International Investigations

National & International Investigations

Having worked in all 50 states and some 42 countries, Bearden Investigative Agency is your trusted source for national and international investigations.

Our attorney-led investigations provide the experience and expertise to understand how to legally conduct inquiries in other states and countries, and our investigators speak several languages. Our national and international clients have included:

  • Two royal families
  • Three monarchs
  • Numerous officials, sports figures and celebrities
  • Dozens of Fortune 500 companies

Our offices are in Dallas and New Orleans, but we also are the flagship agency for The Investigative Solutions Network, an alliance of professional former employees and associates that enhances our investigative reach. We have handled significant matters in Texas, Louisiana, California, New York, New Jersey, Florida, Atlanta, Chicago and the Caribbean.

Additionally, we have a sophisticated in-house computer system and information network. We bring together the resources of more than 5,000 computerized private, government and Internet databases that we can use to solve national & international investigation cases rapidly and economically.

We have the resources to tackle full-scale investigations – no matter where they take us.

Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Blog Update

Jan. 23, 2025

Stay Safe Against Pig Butchering

“At BIA, we have seen an increase in Pig Butchering, and we understand...”

Jan. 2, 2025

The Holidays Keep BIA in High Demand

“At Bearden Investigative Agency, we understand that the holiday season, while joyful  for...”

Nov. 21, 2024

Thought Leaders and Attorney-Led Investigators – At Your Service

“Did you know that thought leaders from Bearden Investigative Agency teach one of Lawline Magazine’s top...”